Jeff’s NUH Stay

A Time To Give Thanks

10 April 2012, Tuesday (BSF Day)

The wife (Jesselyn) was able to attend BSF as the man (Josh) had offered to take leave to take care of the baby (Jeff). At 9am, the wife received a text that the man would be taking the baby to the paediatrician for a third time as his cough was not getting any better but worse.

11am, BSF ended and a call was made. The paediatrician recommended that the baby be sent to NUH children A&E and possible admission.

The BSF group had started walking to the lunch venue and she tagged along in a daze with her mind mapping and racing at all the things needed to be done in the next few hours for the 3 children.

At the coffee shop, chairs were added to the fixed sitting area while she made a call to her in laws. She excused herself from the lunch and made arrangements for the 2 older children. She fetched the elder son from his special school at 11.30am. and took him to buy his early lunch.

12noon, home. Settled the big boy’s lunch. Father-in-law (fil) came by bus as his car was at the workshop.
Paediatrician called and was very surprise that we had not reached A&E. Yah, if Jeff is our only child, we definitely would be there directly from her clinic and grabbed the first A&E doctor we see by his collar to attend to Jeff.

1pm, sent lunch to Zoe and gave her all the instructions needed for the day.

1.20pm, reached NUH children A&E.

1.30pm, Jeff went through preliminary checks and after the doctor listened to his lungs, she put him on nebulizer for 3 rounds, 20 mins apart. Chest X-ray was done before 3pm. It did not look good. An infection in the right lung showed up, or rather not cleared up despite the nebulizer. Hospitalization was recommended.

Josh waited with Jeff for an available bed for admission.

I went home as fil had left and the two big children were on their own. Zoe took very good care of Zane and checked on him every 10 mins. I bought dinner and when I stepped into the house, all was well. Shalom peace filled the house and my heart. I looked at my daughter and I gave thanks. She is sensible and reliable in times like these.

I went through the evening routines with Zoe and Zane. By 9pm, I sent them to bed. Fil came again to stay with them while I make my trip back to NUH. Surprise, surprise, two very dear friends of my family showed up at my gate and insisted in taking me to NUH. They just visited Jeff and bought dinner for Josh at NUH. You can make a mental calculation of the distance they travelled literally. Their love for my family blessed Josh and I deeply. It was also this couple’s ministry which embraced us into God’s bosom again. It was this couple’s unconditional love which convinced me that God has a place in His kingdom for my special son too.

9pm, Jeff had visitors. His very dear teacher and her husband came. She came within hours after receiving my text that Jeff was hospitalized. Jeff was very happy to see her but by then, he was already quite tired out by the whole afternoon and evening’s hospital procedures and treatments. Teacher A said he was tired and quiet.

10pm, I reached NUH. Josh and I exchanged duties’ details. He updated me on Jeff the last 6 hrs and what to be expected in the night and I ran through with him Zoe and Zane’s morning routines and what needed to be packed for each child. Jeff began to be active and smiled a lot at his mommy dearest. He started talking too.

11pm, Just Jeff and I in the B Ward. Josh reached home and the big kids had slept. Soon, Jeff slept too. He was awakened every hour for nebulization by the nurses.

It was impossible to rest properly in the ward. The parent’s bed was pathetic for one. But the main grouse were the other adults in the ward, not their sick kids at all. One mom kept pressing the nurse call button, any other 30 mins. One set of parents left the TV on and the sounds could be heard despite them using headphones. One dad snored very loudly. Another parent had the radio on. Yet another parent had her cd player on. Then, it was iphone’s sounds, ringings, sms beeps and alarm (went on for minutes and woke everyone up except the owner). I stayed coooooooooooooooooool. Peace. I prayed and I talked to Him. The night was very long. I cried a lot through the night. I asked and I asked, I rested and I commited, I trust and I believe.

11 April 2012, Wednesday

9 plus am, the team of doctors made their round. Jeff’s right lung was not cleared and his breathing was very heavy. He had to stay in the hospital for another day. Another round of nebulization recommended.

10am, Josh came for his “shift”. Again, we did our updating with each other. I am very thankful that I have a partner to go through this ordeal together. Really thankful.

12noon, back home. Lunch and started working on the piled up chores. This was the best way to distract my mind from things.

1pm, fetched Zane, settled his lunch. More chores. I tried to rest. I really did try but was too tired to rest (ukwim?)

4pm, fetched Zoe.

The kids had early dinner and we all went to NUH to visit Jeff. Josh informed that Jeff had to be isolated as lab test showed that the virus which infected his lungs was air-borne. My heart sank.

Jeff was transferred to an isolation ward. Yahooooooo !! Why? It was big (A ward mah!). It was quiet. It had a sofa. It gave lots of privacy. The doctor came and assured Josh that Jeff had to be isolated not because his condition was turning for the worse, but more for the sake of his other children patients in the same ward.

This was really divine intervention. That night, I really got to rest. That isolation room was my Derbe (Bsf ladies will know what I mean). Another miracle, Jeff responded very well to the rounds of nebulization. He was taken off it before 6pm. By 8pm, he was taken off the drip too. He started using the space chamber and oral medicine. If his lungs cleared up by the next morning, he could go home.

My Bsf leader, E came. She is a mom to two and she took precious time. She kept assuring me that her girls would be fine. She braved the carpark chaos and the NUH maze just to visit Jeff, to pray with him and to bring cheer to me. I am beyond touched. Why? This is a fellow sister I only know for 2 months and here she is, doing so much and walking many extra miles for me.
I know the Bsf ladies were praying. I could feel the strength which came, and I know it was from our Lord Jesus. I could sense the Presence in the ward with me, esp in the nights and I know it was the Holy Spirit. I could embrace the comfort which enveloped and I knew that was my Abba Father.

Thank you, S, V and PT for the texts and whatsapp messages. Thank you for your love and care. Thank you all for praying. I experienced the reality of the Holy Spirit in this episode.

12 April 2012, Thursday

930am, Josh reached NUH. The doctors and their Professor came into the ward. Once again, Jeff’s lungs were checked. C.L.E.A.R.E.D !!!! The most beautiful 7 letters word of the day!!

Jeff could go homeeeeeeeee ! I needed to be diligent and do what the nurses did the day and night before for two more days at home for Jeff. I was on the dot playing nurse. I woke Jeff at 2am, 4am, 6am in the nights. We stayed at home till Sat. By Sat afternoon, Jeff was back to his usual self. I took back his privilege and started the disciplinary warnings.

I got my son back! Yeah!

Now, it is time for a very hard decision ……………… followed by other necessary decisions.

A mother’s love will carry me through. I have the Lord, no worries. Thank You, Lord God!

Bali’s Conrad at Nusa Dua

Rest ……. relax ……. rejuvenate ……. refresh ……. rejoice …………

Some words go a long way

I was related to Josh a sms from a friend when we were on our way home from Changi Airport. She commented that Zane is very blessed to have Josh as his dad, one who patiently goes with him around T3 and T2 for his usual routines. *Note : since it is a routine, Josh does this all the time with Zane.

Then the man made this comment while still on the wheel, “and ….. Zoe is very blessed to have you as mommy.”

From the back of the car, a girlish “Yes!” was heard.

Awwwww ……………..

9 soon

Coming Monday, 19th September, Zane will turn 9. 9 already?

9 years ago at this time, I was doing my last preparations for his coming. I was making sure all arrangements fit in perfectly. How come we could plan so precisely like telling our aunt which day to arrive at our place as I would be leaving the hospital on that day? Zane was delivered via caesarean section. We could decide the date and time .

19th September 2002, 8am, I was waiting for my gynae to start slicing me up. Layer by layer … It was quite gruesome and a lot of blood. Josh tried not to look. We heard Zane’s first cries and congratulatory words from all the medical professionals in the Operating Theatre. Oh yes, the assisting nurse was my churchmate !! I was stitched up perfectly. My gynae is so skilful that after 3 caesarean sections, there is not even a scar on my belly. He only took 14 mins for Zane. Amazing speed.

Never did Josh and I know our special parenting journey just began. God gave me a boy alright but He did not tell me beforehand that he is an uniquely-fashioned child. He will change my life. He will enrich it with many challenges. He will bring me through countless emotional roller-coasters rides. He will show me the faithfulness of my Abba Father. Through Zane’s life, I will be a better human and my life will be more colourful (though I didn’t ask it to be in this way).

Ask me again: I rather Zane be a normal child. Why should he be deprived of doing the things his peers do? It pains me to see my friends’ boys his age. I fight very hard in my mind not to think “if only Zane can do this or say this” … Yes, I need a huge spat of discipline to steer myself off such thoughts.

Come Monday, he will be 9. It will be a normal school day. Normal work day for darling. We will celebrate on Sunday then . 🙂

God bless you richly, my dear special son. I love you, the way you are. As long as I’m living, my baby you will be.

Thank You, Lord, for Zane, truly his is a life of thanksgiving for God’s Grace. Amen .

Mommy, it’s over.

She muttered this in the morning.

One week of school holidays, just like that, in the twinkling of an eye, it is coming to an end.

She had a great start attending Z’s 5th Birthday at Hard Rock’s Cabana and pools. My family had a very lovely time. Thanks to EK for their invite and the very perfect weather God blessed us with.

Monday and Tuesday, she had to go back to school for choir practices. They were rehearsing for a performance at the Community Centre on Saturday. These children, ages 7-11, will be singing the Chinese song “The moon represents my heart”. I burst out laughing when I heard this, because getting young children to sing this song is a bit , errrr …….. hmmmmm ………., maybe it is the only “Moon” song around to go with the Mooncake Festival and maybe the targetted audience is that generation? The instructor is not a Chinese but he coached the children well. Within two practices, my potato princess could sing the song almost perfectly (she was given a lyrics’ sheet in soundless hanyu pinyin!). I think my girl can sing any song in any language if given ample time. She picks up melody and words very quickly, just as her Chinese name depits.

Wednesday, she fell ill. The whole day was just used to see the doctor, take medicine and sleep.

Thursday, she was feeling better, more chirpy and energetic. We went IMM for lunch and she was a great help. Daddy borrowed the car and we went from Jurong Point to Chinatown in search of an ethnic costume for her performance.

Friday, today, the last weekday of the September holidays……..

She woke up and said, “Today will be study day!” She has been very motivated because I throw in a 1-for-1 deal. An hour of Math earns her an hour of iphone games (I downloaded new free applications suitable for her age). I am amazed at her problem-solving skills. She is able to work through those very tough questions without any supervision from me! Thanks, D, for the book. She loves it as it challenges her ability.

Later ………. we gonna end the evening with an Omnimax Movie “Born to be Wild”. Usually either Josh or I take Zoe to Omni Theatre. This time we will try the boys too. At most one of us exit with the boy(s) halfway thru the show lor.

Tomorrow will be exciting. In laws are joining us to watch Zoe sing with her choir. Her best friend and family will be there to support her too. Precious.

Sunday will be the usual — church and dinner with in laws.

And the final and most challenging term of the year will begin on Monday!

Jia you, my girl! You can do it!